Poll: 70 Percent of Republicans Would Leave GOP for a Pro-Trump Third Party

by Eric Lendrum


A CBS News poll suggests that almost three-fourths of Republican voters would, in some capacity, be prepared to leave the GOP in favor of a third party founded by President Donald Trump, as reported by the Epoch Times.

The poll found that 33 percent of respondents said that they would definitely join such a party, while another 37 percent answered that they would “maybe” do the same. The remaining 30 percent said that they would remain with the GOP. The findings are similar to a HarrisX-Hill poll which reported that 64 percent of Republicans would join a third party led by President Trump.

Additionally, the CBS poll found that 73 percent of respondents expressed support for the GOP remaining loyal to the 45th president; 46 percent said that it is “very important” for the party to maintain its loyalty to the 45th president, with another 27 percent describing it as “somewhat important.” Only 15 percent described it as “not too important,” and a mere 12 percent said it is “not important at all.”

Furthermore, 71 percent of respondents said that it would be “disloyal” for any Republicans in the United States Senate to vote in favor of convicting President Trump in his second impeachment trial. Only 29 percent said that such a vote would be “principled.”

Lastly, the poll found that Republican voters are more likely to have hostile views of Democrats than vice-versa after recent events; 57 percent of respondents described Democrats as “enemies,” while 43 percent called them simply “political opposition.” Conversely, 41 percent of Democrats described Republicans as enemies, with 59 percent calling them political opposition.

The poll was conducted amongst 2,508 adults in the United States, with a margin of error of 2.3 percent.

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Eric Lendrum reports for American Greatness.
Photo “Donald Trump Supporters” by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0.










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5 Thoughts to “Poll: 70 Percent of Republicans Would Leave GOP for a Pro-Trump Third Party”

  1. Karen

    Absolutely! And the more they open their mouths about President Trump not being “who we are”, the more will leave! They are nothing but a bunch of arrogant grifters! They committed suicide this time though and they don’t even know it!

  2. Dean - Knoxville

    My wife and I support our true president and that is Trump. The GOP can goto hell.

  3. 83ragtop50

    The Republicans left their base long before Trump arrived on the scene. They look, act and smell like Democrats. All they are interested in is keeping themselves in power so that they can continue to get rich while doing nothing.

  4. Ms Independent

    It’s probably more than 70%! The majority of Republicans did not support Trump while he was in office. They will pay the price when they are up for re-election. Hopefully Trump will form his own party!

  5. Bubba N.

    I left the Republican Party long ago because I could not stomach the stench of Bob Corker, Mitt Romney, or Paul Ryan.

    Let the country burn to the ground. I am with Trump.
